Concept to The Curing All Diseases

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Jaba Tkemaladze


Modern medicine constantly seeks new approaches to treating diseases, but most methods focus on combating symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of illness. This often leads to temporary improvements but does not resolve the underlying issues. The concept presented here offers a radically new perspective: to view diseases as protective mechanisms that help the body adapt to internal and external challenges. All bodily reactions—from inflammation to chronic conditions—serve a protective function and signal the need for change.

The key idea of the concept is that disease can be caused by unconscious goals that contradict a person's true needs. These goals, often imposed by society or culture, lead to conflicts that manifest at the bodily level. Thus, illness becomes a way to halt the progression toward destructive outcomes, giving a person the opportunity to reconsider their priorities.

According to this concept, treatment should not only aim to strengthen the body but also to enhance the individual. This includes developing awareness, understanding one's needs, and reevaluating life goals. The approach integrates knowledge from medicine, psychology, and philosophy to create comprehensive therapeutic programs.

Thus, the goal of the concept is not to suppress symptoms but to harmonize the inner state of the person and restore balance between the body and mind. This opens up new opportunities for disease prevention and treatment, emphasizing the importance of an interdisciplinary approach and the active participation of the person in the healing process.

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Future Horizons

Author Biography

Jaba Tkemaladze, Longevity Clinic Inc

Professor, Scientist, President of Longevity Alliance Georgia.

HOD at Longevity Clinic Inc.

Replacing old adult stem cells with induced and safe young adult stem cells.

World-renowned scientist. Developed the Centriolar theory of differentiation and the Centriolar theory of organism ageing. With acquired experience in both academia and industry.

Training in medicine at Tbilisi State Medical University and then at the Psychiatry Research Institute further deepened my knowledge in the laboratory of the Institute of Morphology. Namely, combined experimental and computational methods to study the ageing process and the various ways of manipulating age-related diseases and improvement of human health.

Also served as a Scientific Advisory Board Member in Georgia's Ministry of Defense and Longevity Alliance. Published over 50 scientific articles, given over 100 invited talks and received several awards.

How to Cite

Tkemaladze, J. (2025). Concept to The Curing All Diseases. Longevity Horizons, 1(1). DOI:


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