Aging Model Based on Drosophila melanogaster: Mechanisms and Perspectives

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Jaba Tkemaladze


Aging is a multifaceted biological process characterized by a gradual decline in physiological functions, ultimately resulting in reduced reproductive capacity and eventual death of the organism. For over a century, Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly, has served as a pivotal model for investigating the underlying mechanisms of aging, owing to its relatively short lifespan, ease of genetic manipulation, and high degree of conservation of molecular pathways with higher organisms. This article delves into the principal aspects of utilizing Drosophila in aging research, encompassing the influence of dietary restrictions, insulin/IGF-1, mTOR, and AMPK signaling pathways, as well as the roles of various tissues—such as the intestine and muscles—in modulating lifespan. Special emphasis is placed on the interplay between metabolic and epigenetic factors that determine the rate of aging and on the potential applications of these findings in the development of anti-aging therapeutic strategies.

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Reviews and Perspectives

Author Biography

Jaba Tkemaladze, Longevity Clinic

Dr Jaba Tkemaladze is a Professor, a Scientist, and a President of Longevity Alliance Georgia.

Research Director at Longevity Clinic.

Replacing old adult stem cells with induced and safe young adult stem cells.

World-renowned scientist. Developed the Centriolar theory of differentiation and the Centriolar theory of organism ageing. With acquired experience in both academia and industry.

Training in medicine at Tbilisi State Medical University and then at the Psychiatry Research Institute further deepened my knowledge in the laboratory of the Institute of Morphology. Namely, combined experimental and computational methods to study the ageing process and the various ways of manipulating age-related diseases and improvement of human health.

Also served as a Scientific Advisory Board Member in Georgia's Ministry of Defense and Longevity Alliance. Published over 50 scientific articles, given over 100 invited talks and received several awards.

His Rejuvenation Formula: Rejuvenation = Replacement of Old Centrioles with Young Ones.

How to Cite

Tkemaladze, J. (2025). Aging Model Based on Drosophila melanogaster: Mechanisms and Perspectives. Longevity Horizon, 1(3). DOI:


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