Differentiation of Somatic Cells in Multicellular Organisms

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Jaba Tkemaladze


Multicellular organisms employ intricate gene regulatory networks (GRNs) to orchestrate cell fate decisions, yet the precise regulatory mechanisms that govern transcription factors (TFs) within these networks remain exceptionally complex. A long-standing question in this field pertains to how these intricate interactions synergistically contribute to decision-making processes. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of regulatory logic in cell fate determinations, we developed a logical model of GRNs and examined its behavior under two distinct driving forces—one governed by stochastic noise and the other by deterministic signaling. Under noise-driven conditions, we identified a correlation between fate biasing, regulatory logic, and noise profile dynamics. In the signal-driven mode, we established a connection between regulatory logic and the trade-off between accuracy and progression speed, revealing distinct reprogramming trajectories influenced by specific logical motifs. Through differentiation studies, we characterized a unique priming stage that is dependent on regulatory logic, employing decision landscapes for analysis. Finally, we applied our findings to elucidate three biological cases: hematopoiesis, embryogenesis, and transdifferentiation. Orthogonally to classical expression profile analysis, we leveraged noise pattern recognition to construct GRNs corresponding to fate transitions. Our research presents a generalizable framework for downstream investigations of fate determination and offers a practical approach for the taxonomy of cell fate decisions.

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Author Biography

Jaba Tkemaladze, Longevity Clinic

Dr Jaba Tkemaladze is a Professor, a Scientist, and a President of Longevity Alliance Georgia.

Research Director at Longevity Clinic.

Replacing old adult stem cells with induced and safe young adult stem cells.

World-renowned scientist. Developed the Centriolar theory of differentiation and the Centriolar theory of organism ageing. With acquired experience in both academia and industry.

Training in medicine at Tbilisi State Medical University and then at the Psychiatry Research Institute further deepened my knowledge in the laboratory of the Institute of Morphology. Namely, combined experimental and computational methods to study the ageing process and the various ways of manipulating age-related diseases and improvement of human health.

Also served as a Scientific Advisory Board Member in Georgia's Ministry of Defense and Longevity Alliance. Published over 50 scientific articles, given over 100 invited talks and received several awards.

His Rejuvenation Formula: Rejuvenation = Replacement of old adult stem cells with Young, safe Adult Stem Cells induced from one's own cells.

How to Cite

Tkemaladze, J. (2025). Differentiation of Somatic Cells in Multicellular Organisms. Longevity Horizons, 1(2). DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14778927


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